Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I feel like right now I am making a big leap between 2 cliffs and hoping I land safely on the other side. I know moving is the right thing for us but there are so many things that need to be done between now and April when we leave. The biggest being convincing my ex that this is the best thing or at least convincing him enough that he doesn't take me to court.
Tomorrow I will be mailing him the letter saying that we are planning to make the move. I have no idea how he will respond. The move is only an hour away so he will still get his visitation time with her. He just hates that I have any control or when I make any decisions. Then I have the 30 day wait to see if he files anything officially with the court to try and stop the move. I am banking on the fact that he will probably be too lazy to check out what he needs to officially do in response and that he is trying to move out of his parents and will be too focused on that to do anything about our move.
It is so frustrating trying to work things out with an ex. Especially one as unreasonable as mine. I try to make decisions with him and do what we are supposed to. I have researched and considered schools for hours trying to make an informed decisions. His only input is that he wants her to go to the small private school we went to and that he wants me to pay basically all of the tuition with my child support and tax refund. He didn't even look to see how much tuition is there-it goes up to 4,500 a year! That is not the only reason I don't want her to go there. If a school had the best education for her I would try to find a way for her to go. The school I want her to go to offers lots of great classes among other things. The only reason he wants her to go is because it is Christian. He could care less what they offer educationally and socially as long as it is Christian. You have to look at the whole picture not just the religion. Like I told him she can go to church and go to other Christian things to meet her spiritual needs.
Beyond trying to convince him I am also concerned about finding a job there which is one of the most crucial things to our plan. I don't think it will be hard to get a job there but I want to get one before we move there. Then I would have to make a long commute every day. So finding just the right timing to get a job there is a big concern. I am bored with my job here and I am looking forward to finding a new job. I am just trying to decide if I should stay in the same career as I am now. I like dispatching but I am wondering if I am just bored with where I work now or if it is time for me to move on to something else.
I have so much on my mind it is no wonder I have been feeling so run down and tired.

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