Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Fly In The Ointment

My husband and I have a great relationship. The most consistent problem we run into is housework. I get tired of being the responsible one who either cleans everything or has to nag other people to help. If I ask my husband to help he will except he is usually playing a video game and wants to wait until after he finishes to do whatever I asked. The problem? He usually forgets by then that I even asked anything. Or it takes so long that if I've asked him to take out the trash I have no where to put the trash from me making dinner. So now when I ask something I ask again if he doesn't do it in a couple minutes. I hate nagging and I know it isn't reasonable to not give him longer to do something. But from experience I know if I don't ask in a couple minutes and keep doing that-it won't usually get done. He teased me about nagging last night and how I am if he doesn't jump up and do something right away.
I don't like nagging. I feel it puts us more in a mom/child role the way I ask instead as equal partners. I am just tired of always being the responsible one that keeps things running and gets things done around here. My husband is a wonderful partner except for this issue and maybe 1 or 2 very small other things. He plans fun suprises for me and Bunny. He makes little scavenger hunts and buys my favorite things as little suprises when he goes to the store. He is thoughtful and very supportive. I hate this issue being such a big issue.
What I keep coming back to every time I get mad at him for this is that I should just take on the housework myself. If he helps that is nice but otherwise I will just do it. I have never actually done this because I don't think it is fair for me to do everything. It is where we both live and both make messes so we should work together to clean. However, I have decided that I don't want to let this issue come between us. Everything else isn't working and our relationship is great in other ways. I would rather clean myself and treat my husband with respect and not nag or boss him. So I am going to give this a try and see how it works...

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