Thursday, January 17, 2008


One thing that really bothers me is the difference between what women are expected to do versus men. There are so many demands placed on most women it is no wonder that in all the women's magazines they have articles about how to deal with being stressed and tired.
The majority of women are expected to work outside the home, cook and clean, take care of their children, take their children to various activities, and be a good wife including being sexy and seductive for their husband. You can't fully dedicate yourself to a full time job AND be the perfect mother. I know a lot of women that do an admirable job caring for their children and working but I see how worn down and tired they are. Most bosses don't understand needing to take off from work if your child is sick. I understand that they need their employees at work but it places women in an uncomfortable place. I almost got fired when I was a retail manager because my daughter was in the hospital and I called in to work because I needed to be there with her. I have consciously made the choice that my daughter comes first. Yes, we need a roof over our heads and food but I do what I need to to take care of her.
I think if a couple chooses to have a child then one person needs to stay at home or work part time so they can take care of the needs of the family. If you choose to have a family they need to be taken care of. If a couple doesn't have children I think it is great for women to strive to have a successful and full career. Or if they have a family it is great if the woman wants to work and the man wants to be the care taker for the family. Taking care of a family is a full time job. I know a lot of people think you need 2 incomes to survive and things are expensive. But how much do we really need? A lot of people work hard so they can have cars and houses that are bigger than we really need. We think we need tons of clothes and possessions. I think if people cut back and really think about what they need and their priorities they might discover they can make it on 1 income or 1 income with the other person working part time.
I admit I sometimes get caught up in wanting more things and buying more than I need. Since I took my daughter out of daycare I have realized how much I really like being there to raise her and care for her. We have grown so much closer with all the time we spend together. Our relationships with family and friends is what really nurtures us-not having the latest toy or clothes. Sometimes it is a struggle with me to realize this and think about how much I really do need materially. I admire the simple way the Amish live. I don't agree with all of their beliefs but I think they have the right focus. This year I want to really try and continue to live more simply and with the correct family focus so we continue to grow and thrive.

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