Sunday, January 20, 2008

This weekend...

was tiring but for the most part satisfying. I got a lot accomplished. Thursday night I cleaned the house for 3 hours and got a lot of it done. Dan didn't help and I got really mad at him. We talked about it for a long time and we will see what happens from here. I just feel like I am the only one that takes on the day to day responsibilities for our family. I stuck to what I said though and didn't ask him to help clean. I have thought about it and I think that is the best way to handle it. I do my part and it is up to him to take the initiative to contribute as well. I was amazed on how much more I got doen when I just focused on cleaning and didn't divert energy trying to get him to help.
I worked 8 hours Friday and 12 Saturday. I was really tempted to call in for part or all of my shifts because I didn't want to work. I rarely call in but it was so tempting though so I could have an entire weekend free, I am glad I didn't though because we need the money. The worst part is I got off at 11 p on Friday and had to be back at 7 a on Saturday. I don't like short turn around like that.
It was strange driving myself to work because usually Dan always drives and because I am never by myself usually. There is always someone around here-my mom, Dan, or Bunny. The sometimess my ex-stepdad pops in too. I used to be really independant and like (and really need) time on my own. I have found as I have gotten older that I really like being with people a lot more. Sometimes I wish I could get away more but usually I enjoy them. When I got off of work on Saturday I had some time by myself since Dan was playing Starfleet Battles at a friend's house.
I stayed at work for awhile and enjoyed talking to one of my co-worker's. After that I got dinner, chocolate cake, and a couple of movies to enjoy. It was kind of nice getting a little time to myself. I watched Georgia Rule and Step Up. The basic story idea for Georgia Rule but the acting and movie wasn't that good. There are several other movies like Step Up but it was still a good movie. I would love to learn hip hop dancing. Maybe someday I will get brave and find a place to take lessons.
This morning I went out to breakfast with my mom which was nice. I love the omlettes at IHOP-yummy! I spent most of the day relaxing and being lazy. I was so excited about the finale of Amazing Race tonight. I was glad that TK and Rachel won. They were definately my favorite team. I cleaned some more tonight and walked for 40 minutes on the treadmill. I have been lazy about excercising and I need to really commit to losing weight. I seem to be able to accomplish things in other areas of my life but losing weight seems to be the hardest thing for me to do.
Dan did get up to help clean tonight. I was a little miffed at first because I cleaned for an hour before he got up to help. I figured he just got up to do it because I was starting to look mad. I went to take a bath to see if he would still clean even if I wasn't cleaning with him. To my suprise he did and got a lot done in Bunny's room. I am happy that he did some and hope he will continue to. This is one of the biggest problem areas for us.
Since I have complained about Dan I wanted to brag on him some to. When I got up at 5:45 on Saturday for work he got up with me. He could have just slept but he didn't. Instead he immediately made coffee and asked what I wanted for breakfast. He also made sure there was no ice on the car and packed a lunch for me. That made my morning go so much easier and I appreciated it so much!
Time for bed. Bunny comes back from her Dad's tomorrow morning. Yay!

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