Monday, January 14, 2008

Ear Piercing Day!

Bunny got her ears pierced this afternoon. She has been wanting to for several months now and we finally got it done. After she asked several times I told her I would talk to her dad about it. I really thought that he would object. I am usually the more liberal parent and he is more conservative in his views about what she is old enough to do. Suprisingly, he told me he didn't see a problem with it and we agreed that I would be the one to take her.
This morning we drove to the mall to have it done at one of the kid type jewelry stores. I don't know if Dan or Bunny looked more nervous. When we got to the store the clerk told us the person who does piercings wouldn't be there until 3:30. When we came back Bunny looked really nervous but sat stoically in her chair. Dan buried his head against my back. They had 1 clerk on each side so both ears got done at once. I was amazed when she didn't even flinch or shed one tear. Her bravery and stoicism always amaze me-she is just as composed when she gets shots at the doctor.
I knew Dan was feeling a little squeamish and nervous about witnessing the piercing but I didn't realize how much until we got in the car. He reached for his drink and his hand was shaking so much it took a few attempts for him to pick him up. Such a trooper! Last February he went with me when I got my 2nd tattoo. He was apprehensive because he could barely stand watching Miami Ink with me. He wanted to be supportive so he went with me and stood by me the whole time even though watching and hearing the needles made him really uncomfortable. I appreciate how is willing to support us even when it makes him squeamish.

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