Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I want to be a domestic goddess...

One priority for me is to create a warm and fun home environment for my family. I also like to have friends and family over and cooking a delicious meal for them. I don't watch TV very much but when I do I like older shows like Leave it to Beaver or Andy Griffith. My 2 favorite TV moms are June Cleaver and Kitty from "That 70s Show". I would like to be a little more like both of them. I know it is not real but you have to admire how stylish, composed, and organized June Cleaver is. She also is always making great meals for her family. Kitty is just a lot of fun and always makes me laugh.
I never thought I would want to be a homemaker. When I was 16 I went on a trip to Nepal and afterwards I planned on going back after high school to live like a hippie. On having a laid back and untraditional life.Inkidergarten I said I wanted to be a pirate when I grew up-nothing traditional like wanting to be a teacher or doctor. My friends were shocked when I got married to my first husband right after high school since I had frequently said I couldn't see myself ever wanting to get married. Now I take pride in learning and trying to be a great wife and mom.
I ove to cook and bake. I recently decided to serve an appetizer, entree, and dessert at each dinner so we could enjoy good food and spend more time together. My main problem is organizing and cleaning the house. It seems like every time I turn around there is a new mess to clean up. No matter how much I try it seems like I can't keep up with the clutter. I try not to get too stressed about it but it can be frustrating. I try to remind myself that the house doesn't have to be perfect. Sometimes I have to remind myself that my time would be better spent playing kitties with Bunny or snuggling with Dan. I think finding that balance and spending time being playful and having fun is also an important part of being a domestic goddess.

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